Getting into a car accident is never fun, but auto insurance is designed to help ease your worries and cover the costs associated with a collision. However, if the driver who hit you does not have insurance it can make the situation more complex. Continue reading for more information on how to pursue legal action against a driver who hit you without insurance. Work with a Kane County car accident lawyer for skilled legal counsel.

Is Auto Insurance Required in Illinois?

Auto insurance is required in nearly every state across the U.S. including Illinois. It is important to have insurance coverage in case of an accident. Even the most careful drivers could end up in a crash and need the protection that auto insurance offers. Without it, an accident could result in the driver going into debt over medical expenses, property damage, time taken off work, and more.

Under Illinois state law, residents are required to obtain minimum insurance coverage. These minimum amounts are as follows.

  • Bodily injury coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage coverage of $20,000 per accident
  • Uninsured motorist coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Besides the minimum required auto insurance that every driver must have, people can opt into other assurances such as uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. These policy add-ons can protect you in the event that you get into an accident with a driver who does not have insurance. If you pay for these policies your insurance will pay the claim and cover costs that generally would be the responsibility of the other driver’s insurer.

Can I Sue a Driver Who Does Not Have Insurance?

Because of Illinois state law requiring uninsured motorist coverage, you can collect compensation for your injuries and medical expenses through your own insurance provider by filing an uninsured motorist claim.

However, suppose your uninsured motorist coverage does not cover the total amount of your expenses. You can still potentially collect compensation by filing a personal injury claim against the driver. If the other driver was negligent and is liable for the accident, you can pursue legal action against them. With enough evidence to prove their fault and the impact the accident has had on you, you may be awarded a settlement or damages.

Do I Need an Attorney?

It is highly recommended that you retain the services of a skilled attorney when dealing with any car accident, especially one involving an uninsured driver. After seeking medical attention and treatment, contact an experienced lawyer. They will examine the details of your situation and offer assistance in determining what the best course of action will be.

The legal process of filing a claim or lawsuit can be complex and overwhelming. Your lawyer will help you navigate the proceedings, communicate with insurance companies on your behalf, present evidence, and advocate for your rights and needs. Reach out to a skilled attorney to discuss your situation and learn more about your options.