When you receive your insurance bill, are you resigned to the fact that it has to be expensive to provide good coverage? Most insurance users tend to find a plan and stick with it for years without ever investigating discount opportunities for different stages of life. While your insurance company may already find discounts for you on your behalf, here are a few to research that could save you some money.
Good Student Discount
Adding your high schooler to your family insurance plan can be expensive! However, you can find some relief if your child has good grades at school. Some insurance companies offer good student discounts for high school and college age kids who are on your family plan. Call your insurance company to see if they have a good student discount and what the parameters are.
Safe Driver Discount
Most insurance companies reward safe drivers by reducing their insurance costs. While this discount is applied automatically (typically) after a designated time without accidents or citations, it is still wise to call your insurance company to inquire about a safe driver discount.
Vehicle Specific Discounts
Sometimes, insurance companies can decrease the cost of insurance due to special safety features that are built into your vehicle. Anti-theft security systems and anti-lock brakes can sometimes warrant a discount to your overall insurance bill.
Worth a Switch
If you believe you are still paying too much for your insurance, it can be wise to get a quote from other insurance companies. While you may hesitate to change or start a new relationship, you may be able to save a significant amount of money by going with another company every few years. And don’t forget to ask about the costs for maximum medical payments coverage. If you unfortunately are in a crash, you will be happy you purchased higher medical payment coverage. The costs are typically very reasonable.
Never sacrifice your safety or health by choosing to save money by driving with substandard or illegal coverage. Instead, work with your insurance company to save as much money as you can, while protecting yourself to the fullest.